D.2. Resource Map
Key to the Lifeline Plans are the Resource Maps of each organization. They are a way for AC members to share with and inform each other of their resources and therefore also areas where they might need particular support from AC in order to achieve a more sustainable and resourceful life. The narrative in the Resource Map visually reflects the ebbs and flows of the organisational life of each organisation and of the AC ecosystem. This includes falling short of expectations and the creative ways the individual organisations and the AC ecosystem cope with vulnerable circumstances.
The maps attempt to capture the recognised capacities of the AC members and other forms of capacities that might be left unknown without the illustration of this Resource Map. While aiming to describe the resources of each organisation, the maps also manifest the quality of the relationships among the members. The organizational maps are active maps; they will be renewed many times as long as AC exists.
These maps also reflect to what extent each organization is embedded in their context, in their struggles and the effect of their programs in their communities.
The materials of the maps consist of, but are not limited to: knowledge, experience, capacities, desire, commitments, facilities, influence, affection, access, people, affinities, vision, ambition, dreams. This includes all the relations with other organisations, groups, and communities in our locality that we share struggles and processes with.
As the Resource Maps not only contain sustainability plans but also the budget and financial reports of each organisation, the financial aspects of the AC organization also undergo a similar process of collective discussion as a form of care of the network to its individual members
The importance of building and developing these Maps is to share the knowledge and complexity of the projects, activities, struggles, programs and movements that are affecting our conditions in our individual contexts and in our collective relationship.
The Resource Maps become tools for building awareness based on affinities and our needs, our ethics and our visions. The maps are an open source tool for other organisations, communities, groups and individuals to visualise what opportunities we might offer and in which areas we might need support. This allows the AC ecosystem to generate decentralised and natural links without the need for any of the participating organisations of Arts Collaboratory to act as mediators—we all are mediators. In this sense, the Resource Maps are key to the active exercise of decentralisation and devolution of power, while allowing collective empowerment that is rhizomatic and expands itself.
Resource maps were included in the first round of Lifeline Plans. This was the first attempt of each organization to identify the individual resources that can be included in a comprehensive resource map of the AC network. They were based on the Arts Collaboratory Ethical Principles, and encourage sharing and caring for others rather than promoting or showcasing achievements. However, it became obvious that there is a need for the creation of a common comprehensive map for collective study and to be able to identify resources for the permanent activities of the network and our sustainability.
The Resource Map working group was established in the Kyrgyzstan assemble and is developing a matrix in which we can organize all of the resources and the needs that have been identified by the AC ecosystem thereby creating a better understanding of the current situation and providing an effective way to put them to practical use by the AC community.
The Internet is the main medium that will be used to store and share the map. It is being developed in different stages. The first will be an extensive questionnaire. The second, an approximation of a visual version, will be developed and then it will become an autonomous platform.
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