Website Guidelines
Website Guidelines (Provisional)
Working Group: Barto, Ferdi (part-time), and Yolande (full time members); Wok The Rock (Designer); Thijs Gadiot (Programmer)
Our website is a repository for almost all of the material that we garner in AC as well as the “face” to the outside world.
When collecting feedback about the website the then communication group found that most are in favor of a relatively straightforward website that communicates and represents the current self-organized structure of AC. To that end, a mere update and not total re-design of the website seems sufficient, also complying with to our principle of self-sustainability, given the funds and labor that has been poured into the AC website already.
The updated website will focus on streamlining existing content, representing the new AC structure and centralizing AC communication whereby TAM TAM’s (the AC internal Newsletter) infrastructure will be annexed to the website along with Documentation WG as we are looking to share storage or sever space. That said, is important to view Website alongside TAM TAM and Documentation – their working groups are intertwined and have a habitual working process – as they are part of one AC communication organ after all.
The below guideline will serve more as an overview of the work to come, and suggested a production timeline. Once the website is settled a second guideline or user’s manual for the website will follow.
NEW website working fields
1. About
2. Organization
3. News
4. Tools
*Established with Tooling WG
5. Resource Map
*Established with Tooling WG
6. Shop
*Tooled Material & Books sold through here
7. Info
1.1 Video (by Al Maamal)
1.2 Intro
- History
- Mission
By Presentation WG
1.3 Future Plan
- Ethical Principles
1.4 Associate Partners
2.1 Individual statement with Lifelines
3.1 Facebook (no twitter or Instagram)
Maintained by Social media Working Group
4.1 Triangle Working groups
4.2 Triangle
4.3 Assembly
4.4 Banga
4.5 Books
4.6 Projects
- Schoolab
- Territories
- Here & Now
- Minga
5.1 Resources to be shared outside of AC network
6.1 Books & Merch.
7.1 Admin forward queries to the respective WGs
7.2 Message on how to join and what we are missing
0. A digitizing organigram, introduced by the Meta working group, will be translated by the website designer Wok The Rock and will be the new homepage of the website!
1.1 Format of the Video should be established with Website Working Group (WWG), see production outline below.
And update to our current introduction (including our 1.2 history, mission and presentation) will be led by Presentation WG is to be approved by all members before update
1.3 Similarly, the update to the Future Plan (including our Ethical Principles) will be led by its working group. The suggestion it to also make our common language and ethical principles available besides the Future Plan as to make our mission more transparent
1.4 The list of AC Associate Partners can be also be updated, with the help of DOEN.
2.1 Each AC member may choose to update representation (traditionally the mission statement) to reflect our AC common language. Our suggestion is not to reproduce generic text but share a ±100-word blurb as a form of self-representation that speaks to the core of your organization (radical imagination!)
This text could be including formative books, encounters, travels, films. etc. The text should come together with a complimentary. This will be published together with the Lifelines on the website.
3.1 In line with the communication’s survey findings during the assembly in Kyrgyzstan, AC will suspend its Twitter and Instagram accounts (Casco will take care of this) and its Facebook account will be maintained by its Working Group (Social Media WG). The Facebook newsfeed will no longer occur on the homepage of the website but will be tucked away and serve as the News update for the outside world.
4. Herein is one of the most complex parts of the website as we never managed to have the tooling workshop during assembly thus WWG’s proposal is to touch base with the Tooling WG and develop an interface for this part of the website together.
5. Similarly the resources section of the website is to be workshopped with the Resource WG in order to co-develop an Interface.
6. The shop will host any on sale merchandise and publications.
Here the proposal is not to have a centralized shop that will need administrative maintenance but to organize it such that each the producer(s) of each item are also responsible for its sale. For example, the Territories publications will be shown on the AC website and their sales directed to the Territory WG members (Art Group 705, Centre Soleil d'Afrique, Cráter Invertido, Doual’art, Más Arte Más Acción, and VANSA) to sell.
Territory is then responsible for collecting the profits for our common pot.
7. The info. account will be maintained by an administrator who is in charge of forwarding emails to the correct Working Group
8. A donate account will be made available, in collaboration with the Financial WG
Loose Production Schedule
SEP 2016: Website WG gets in touch with all contributing Working Droups, and establishes necessities to out forward in the design brief
OCT 2016:
- Website WG consolidates design update brief with TAM TAM and Documentation for the designer and programmer
- Fine tune brief with designer and programmer, and get a quote for costs
NOV 2016:
- Content production by working group
- Workshop the Tooling and Resources part of the website with WGs
- Design update from designer due
DEC 2016: Content production by working group
JAN 2017: All website material due
FEB 2017: Design & Programming
MAR 2017: Design & Programming
APR 2017: Editing, tweaking
MAY 2017: Website launch
The budget can only be determined once we get a quote from the
programmer and designer in October 2016.
See Unresolved Question. ↑
Based on comments by Abdallah Salisu, April 2017. ↑
Comment by Stefano Harney and Tonika Sealy after meeting in Utrecht, June 2015. ↑
Comment by Stefano Harney and Tonika Sealy after meeting in Utrecht, June 2015. ↑
Based on comment by Abdallah Silesu, April 2017 ↑
Based on comment by Abdallah Silesu, April 2017. ↑
The basis of this text was taken from the Arts Collaboratory website and was modified based on the activities that occurred before and after the Assembly in Kyrgyzstan. ↑
Comment by Stefano Harney and Tonika Sealy after meeting in Utrecht, June 2015. ↑
Comment by Stefano Harney and Tonika Sealy after meeting in Utrecht, June 2015. ↑
ibid.. ↑
Based on a comment by Abdallah Salisu, April 2017. ↑
This was taken from Attaya’s guidelines. ↑
AC aims to challenge traditional notions of “funder” / “grantees”. Here the term is used to refer to traditional system and how it is still impacting AC but aimed to be in practice challenged ↑
One of the founding organizations of the original AC and an organization that has already achieved a certain level of economic self-sustainability, they do not maintain one of the collective pots therefore the number of organizations differs from the number of organizations listed in the introduction. ↑
Addition from the comments of independent reviewer Penny Travlou, 2016. ↑
Ibid. ↑
Last updated